Create cross-system workflows easier than ever before!

Link your systems with a few clicks and create process flows on them. Superpower your legacy systems with cloud services and enterprise open source.
100000 Services

Integration of microservices and custom applications

With PIPEFORCE, you can deploy one of around 100,000 services as a Docker container on the platform in just 30 seconds and integrate it into your workflows. You can run self-developed applications as microservices on the platform just as easily and integrate them into your processes.

Integration of cloud applications and local systems

Existing systems and cloud applications are connected via a constantly growing set of connectors and interfaces. As soon as a database or system is connected, it is always addressed in the same way and integrated into your processes. This reduces complexity and increases the implementation speed for cross-system workflows by a factor of 3 to 5!
Einfache Integration

Integration of partners, customers and IoT

The integration of partners and customers as well as the processing of several thousand IoT data per second is also possible via the platform. This means that process automation does not stop at your company boundaries, but integrates all the parties and devices that are important for the operational business.

PIPEFORCE Integrations

Test now!

Test now how easy it is to integrate external data sources and services into your processes with PIPEFORCE.

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